Senin, 29 November 2010

Hunting Photos With Crazy People

Hello guys,we meet again in this my beloved blog :)

Now, I want to tell you about my
crazy experience.
So,last saturday I went hunt photos with my crazy friends.
We went to Teluk Betung for taking picture in there.
We were looking for a place that already become our goal from the begining.
After wandering around Teluk Betung, finally we found the place that we were headed.
We got out from the car and went straight to hunt photos
And you know what?
there was a boy that asked for money to us for he back to his home in Panjang.
because we all didn't bring any money,so we didn't gave him the money.
He followed us wherever we go.
We become afraid with his
So that we took the picture quickly.
These are our photos :

These are our photos :)
After we went to Teluk Betung,We went to
Museum of Lampung.
We also changed our clothes :D
We took lot of photos outside the Museum.
We didn't get into the Museum because we didn't brought our money. :(
These are our photos :

Actually,there are so many photos I haven't put on this blog because I haven't edit that photos.
hahahaha :)

I think that's enough for this time.
See you on the next posting.


Selasa, 16 November 2010

My Birthday Celebration

Hello friends,long time enough I didn't tell you about my days in this blog.
I'm so sorry for that and now I will tell about
My Birthday Celebration.

Last Monday the 8th of November, I celebrated my birthday.
This year, my age become 14 years.
I hope I can be better than the previous years :)

Although my birthday is on 8th November,but I
celebrated with my friends on friday 12th.
I celebrated my birthday in mc.donalds in central plaza.
I invited 15 of my friends to come on my birthday.
these are our photos when we were there :

Those are our photos :)
After we ate lunch,we walked around the mall
I also bought an Ice Cream,it was delicious
I want to try it again!

That is my post for this time.
See you at the next post :)

♥ Like

Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Graphic Design Contest

Hello everyone :)
I have one good news.
You know what?
I became the second winner in graphic design contest
I'm very happy,even though
I felt disappointed because I didn't became the first winner.
But I'm very grateful to became the second winner :)

I know, I couldn't win if you not support and pray for me.
Thanks for the support and prayers that you give for me :)

That was me and my friends when the competition finished :D

♥ Like

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

I'm Back!!

Hello everybody !
I probably will not posting too many for this time,
I just wanted to tell you that I already return to my blog.
So keep reading my blog so that you will know my stories :)

I will join the design graphic competition in a school.
But I have no idea about the themes that have been determined by the school :(
I really need your prayer so that I can get an idea when the competition begins :)

Thanks for taking your time to read my blog.

Like :)

Senin, 27 September 2010

Sorry for everyone

Hello guys! :)
I don't have any idea or story that I can tell you :(
Please give me an advice or anything that might give me an idea.
Thank you for everything :)
I will come back if I've got a good story for you.

See you in the next posting :)


Rabu, 15 September 2010

Libur Idul Fitri

Hallo everybody!
I just got back from my vacation.
I will tell you about my vacation.

On this holiday,I only went to
Jakarta,I stayed in my grandma's house in Tebet.
I stayed there for 5 days,it's was amazing.
first day,I went to Mall Artha Gading.
I saw a magician who lives in a box for 20 days without food.
He was great!
Next day,I went to DUFAN!
It was really wonderful :)
I went there with my sister ,we both played anything that we wanted.
we were very happy :D
I also took many pictures,because we loves taking picture :D
these are my photos :

On the third day,I went to Mall Taman Anggrek
didn't buy anything in there :(
I only bought a frozen
yogurt,that was very delicious ! :D
next day,I went to Mangga Dua to buy some clothes.
and finally,I got 2 new dresses,and 1 new blazer :D
Next day,I went to factory outlet to buy some clothes for my brother.
And you know what?
I got 2 new t-shirt with a Bloop brand.
finally, I must go back to Lampung because there are some work I have to finish there.

I think enough for my vacation story.
see you at the next posting :)


Jumat, 03 September 2010

My bad luck !!!

Hello everybody :)

I'm just so sad because my keyboard is not working,especially for a,s,y,w :(
so I need to copy them and paste them.
(so tired) !!!
what happened with my keyboard anyway?
I don't know the an
swer :(
It's makes me lazy to turn on my computer -___-
can't type well :(

I think it's enough for this posting,and I will come back to my blog when my keyboard have been repaired :)

ee you !


Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

Hunting with Erlin

Weekend kemaren gua hunting bareng temen gua,
namanya Erlin.
Jadi,kemaren itu kan kita pulang sekolah jam 9-an,
terus kita angsung hunting ke daerah Natar gitu.
Jalannya lumayan jauh juga,kit ngelewatin gang2 yang hampir gak bisa dilewatin sama mobil.
Sambil nengok kanan-kiri,kita nyari tempat yang bagus.
Akhirnya kita nemu juga sebuah kebon sawit yang lumayan bagus.
Terus mobil kita berhenti disana.
Kita jalan lumayan jauh ke dlm kebon.
Jalannya tanahan,becek,gua jg hampir kepeleset.
Setelah kita masuk lumayan dalem,kita nemuin tempat yang bagus buat foto,
jadilah kita foto di situ.

Ini foto2nya :

Foto Pertama

Foto Kedua

Sebenernya sih masih banyak foto yang laen,tapi yang laen masih pada blm gua edit,
jadi yang gua tunjukin cuma segini aja .
Selesai kita foto di sini kita berniat mau pulang,
tapi karena di jalan kita ngeliat tempat yang bagus lagi,jadi kita berhenti lagi.
Ini asil fotonya :

Foto pertama

Foto Kedua

Foto Ketiga

Abis kita dari sini kita langsung pulang deh,
kerena kita udah capek.
Lagian juga gua ada les,jadi gua langsung diturunin di rumah gua,
terus si Erlin langsung pulang ke rumahnya.


Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

Gua muncul lagiii!!

maap kalo belakangan ini gua vacum dari dunia blog,abisnya gua gk tau apa yg harus gua ceritain

gua cuma mau cerita sih,ini juga cerita lama,tapi baru sempet posting sekarang
jadi ceritanya,hari sabtu kemaren itu gua pergi sama temen2 gua,
namanya erlin,desi,ofi,james.
Kita pergi ke studio mau foto,kita baru ngerencanain mau foto itu 1 hari sebelomnya sih

kita foto cukup lama juga,ini hasilnya :

Ini foto pertama

Ini foto kedua

Ini foto ketiga

Ini foto keempat

Abis kita foto,kita pergi ke gedung sebelah yaitu CP (Cental Plaza)
Tadinya sih mau nonton,tapi gak jadi karena gk ada film bagus
jadi kita jalan2 aja deh :D
setelah kita muter2 CP,kita nemuin toko froyo baru
timbul lah rasa penasaran kita,akhirnya kita cobain deh :D

Ini froyo yang gua makan :)

Abis kita abisin froyonya,kita langsung pulang
gua di anterin ke tmpt les,terus yg laen gk tau lagi kemana

Segini dulu lah postingan gua kali ini
kapan2 gua posting lagi :)


Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

Liburan Kemaren

Libuan kali ini biasa aja sih,tapi lumayan seru jg.
gua pergi ke medan,jakarta,serpong,depok :D
dari lampung gua langsung pergi ke serpong,tempt sodara gua.
Gua ketemu sodara gua,namanya Fani.
Orang nya sih lumayan luci,tpi kelakuan ny itu bikin gua pusing bngt,nakal ny ngelebihin cowok.
aduhh,ampun deh :D
Disana gua nginep sekitar 2 hari gitu.
Abis dari serpong,gua pergi ke medan :D

Di medan gua nginep sekitar 4 hari atau 5 hari gitu deh.
Tapi di sana gua gk kemana-mana,cuma ke mall doang :(
Setelah lama di medan,gua balik lagi ke jakarta,ke tmpt nenek gua

Besokna gua pergi ke taman mini:

besoknya,gua pergi ke mall kelapa gading.
Di sana gue nonton the Karate Kid! :

Sumpah dah,ini fiml bagus bnget,lo semua hrus pada nonton ni film!

Besoknya gua bergi ke bogor,nemenin nenek gua beli taneman

cukup segini aja ya posting gua kali ini,laen kali gua posting lagi :D


Rabu, 23 Juni 2010


Kemaren pagi,jam 11,gue ad les bhsa inggris,
gue dateng nya agak telat sih..hhehe
setelah sampe sana,ternyata kita gak belajar,tapi cuma nnton.
emg sih belajar,tpi cuma sebentar banget,abis itu lngsung nton.
kita nton the vampire assistant..hhehe
lumayan bagus jg sih film ny

gue pulang les jam 1,terus gue langsung d jmpt cece gue dan kita pergi hunting.
sebelom hunting,kita makan batagor dulu d pahoman..hhehe
abis mkn batagor,kita pergi ke stadion pahoman buat poto2,ini lah hasilnya:

gk bagus2 amat sih,gua jg keliatan gendut bngt disini..hhaha
Abis dari sini,kita pergi lagi k daerah teluk,disini kita poto banyak deh,tempat ny jg lumyan bagus..hhehe
dan inilah hasil potonya:

hhe..ini poto gue :D

segini aja lah kayak nya...hhehe


bete dehh

sumpah ya,hari ini gue bete banget ! :p
masa liburan gini gk kemana-mana sih?
oke lah gue emg pergi,tpi cuma ke mini market sebelah rumah doang :p
mau pergi jg tpi gk ada yg nganterin deh :(

kayak ny segini aja deh,bingung jg mau nulis apa lagi



hi,ini blog baru gue
baru di ajarin sih sma cece gue, dRezuecism.
kasih komen ya.. hha
gue bikin blog ini supaya eksis doang sih :D