Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

Bass Session 2012

Hi everybody.
I was having a Bass Session last Saturday, it was kind of concert.
The Bass Session was organized by Pondok Daud Music.
It was cool and exciting.

I played guitar at that time.
It was wonderful, even I got some nervous before the show.
But finally all ran successfully.
What a great Bass Session was that!

In that concert, Pondok Daud was also invited the Guess Star.
And you know who was the Guess Star? It was Syndicate!!!
So we met Shadu Rasjidi, Shaku Rasjidi, and Ticco Laksana.

With Shadu Rasjidi and Ticco Laksana

With Ticco Laksana

We were also take photos together after the event finished.
It was so ROCK!!!

With my partner, Lovita

He is the event chairman, kak Surya.

Enough for this time, and bye :)


Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

Senior High School Student

Yeeppp, One year already I'm not posting on my blog.
I just have no inspiration to be written in this blog.
But now I will post a good news about me.

You know whatttt? I just became a Senior High School Student.
I have dreamed it since I was in Junior High School, and now I make it real. So WOOWWW!!!

Yaa, jadi gw udah jadi anak SMA sekarang. Dan tetep di SMA Fransiskus.
Seragam gw yang tadinya warna putih biru, sekarang jadi putih abu-abu deh. hahaha

I'm wearing Senior High School uniform.

Actually, I miss the moment in Junior High School.
But I believe that Senior High School will be better.
Ya intinya jalanin dulu aja lah.

My Junior High School Year Book photo

Dan gw juga udah nemuin passion gw, yaitu jadi PILOT.
Maybe sounds not really good for girl, but it's my passion.
"The most important thing is not how to fly the plane,
but how to get people to fly on the plane".
